Chana came home after her erev shabbos shopping with the biggest smile ever, ear to ear. She was lost in the most amazing feeling you can think of. Not only did she think her dream of that special bochur could come true, but the fact that she met that potential one made her heart give this weird turned on its side sensation that could only be expressed with a smile. It was a smile that could not be broken no matter what happened, because one way or another she would find whatever it was to be good in some way, even when she burned her hand while making chulent she couldn't resist smiling.
That shabbos was to her what a shabbos should be, but as great as it was she knew it was missing exactly what was making her happy, this potential bochur she met that Friday. She had to do something to make it true, to make it happen. That Sunday she went to the shadchan searching for this boy, being that she didn't have anything to submit to the shadchan about him, i.e. name, yeshiva, where he lives. So she basically described to the shadchan what she thinks the boy's personality was, and how he looked, which was hard to do because she couldn't visualize his facial features all she could say is he had a hat and jacket, and since many boys have hats and jackets its hard to find one specific bochur.
All week attempt after attempt failed and she desperately wanted to get somewhere and maybe go out on a shidduch date to see if he was perfect. It looked like the conventional way wasn't gonna do it, detective shadchan is in the house.
The Jewish People
3 days ago
20 people gave their 2 cents:
waiting with bated breath for the continuation of this love story.
How do you burn your hand making cholent?
Sub Wife
actually thats how I want everyone to feel about it.
She was careless because she was lost in love
When you make cholent, it's not hot.
Moshe, some people fully cook chulent before Shabbos and then just keep it warm, so she could've burned herself. Alternatively, she could've been so in love, she didn't even realize that she burned herself on something other than chulent, like kugel, kishke, tzimmes or gefilte fish.
You still only touching it while putting stuff in.
You cook kishke? Outside of cholent? Freak
No I don't cook kishke outside of chulent because I make neither (i very rarely make chamin), but I like the way it sounds and thought I would just throw it in with other Ashkenazi shabbostic culinary atrocities.
Instead of kishke, tongue, sausages or jachnun. Now that's what I call shabbos food.
Yep, food, as opposed to atrocity. btw, jachnun is very good even if cooked outside of cholent.
It brings so much joy to to me that people are looking into what I wrote, and are arguing over its meanings (wipes a tear).
Look, we are searching for a deeper meaning of your literary masterpiece. You know, the similes, metaphors, hidden meanings. Is chulent really a chulent in your story? Could it even be since Moshe astutely pointed out the difficulties of burning oneself while preparing it? Is Chana even a Chana? A woman? is she even frum?
You should be flattered, really.
Actually it should be taken quite litteraly, oh and she is frum. When I wrote burnt her hand from the chulent, I was debating if i should have wrote that or something else, but the point is she was careless.
Was she? Or did she do it on purpose to make the bochur notice her.
What you just wrote is impossible to say using the context of this story. did you read it?
ok, not notice her, want to take care of her. She's hoping to meet him again at the store.
Yes she is hoping to meet him again there and now i see what you are saying, its a possibility but remember she is shomer .
So, can still show empathy.
I'm enjoying the story, can't wait for the next installment.
Where Chana finally throws off the shackles of her male dominated, oppressive religion and has her way with the bochur in the store's employee bathroom!
I cant either wait.
I think thats the unrated version.
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