I have been writing a few things, I have been noticing around the Jewish world. Maybe this will become a friday theme? Hopefully not. Here are the thing I have been noticing.
1) The Skvere (square) Rebbe, has visited the city of Flatbush. They actually think that Flatbush is a city, that's what it says on those bags he gave out. How long could it take to check up, if Flatbush is a city? Its like the five boroughs being; Williamsburg, Borough park, Monsey, New square, and Flatbush, sad. Also, why is it that the Rebbe gave out blessed quarters? Did they not used to give out dollars? Better yet, he should have gave out a pack of "blessed Kleenex" to everyone; then when you sneeze, and no ones around to say bless you, you are automatically blessed.
2) Pizza should come with nutrition facts. Why is it, that they don't show what its made out of? I would like to see the exact ingredients. How much of my daily fat it contains, based on 2000 calorie diet. It should say: X amount of Flour, X amount of Tomato sauce, X amount of Mozzarella cheese, 1 roach, 0% vitamin A,B,C,D. 3% iron etc. etc. They should have no problem of where to put it, it could be baked into the back of the pizza. I would really like to know which store is ripping you off, on the cheese and sticking in more sauce, or vice-a-verse. Does the pizza store Mendelsohns beat Pizza time, even though both prices are highway robbery?
3) On any store which sells food; there should be a sign, showing all of there health code violations, especially in Midwood. Because the amount of violations allowed are 24, and some have 22, sickening. A good store has only 12, less sickening, still pretty bad.
4) LOL's (Little Old Ladies) have no manners. Parents should be more afraid of them than molesters. Hers why. When I was about 7 years old, I was waiting by my bus stop, ever so innocently, as an LOL walked up to me. The temperature outside must have been 40 something. I was wearing my coat with it unzipped. The LOL then had the nerve to come over to me, and I don't know exactly how, but she forcefully zipped up my coat, against my will. My little brother, also unzipped, was laughing his head off, She did not get him.
Another story of an LOL "caring": I was in a pizza store, and a kid not more than 12, was sitting alone. There were no open seats available when a (you guessed it) LOL walks in. She ends up sitting next to the kid (He is Jewish). As politely as the kid was, he could not have escaped what was about to happen. The LOL is talking about her life, and somewher in the middle she says "you are such a nice young man for speaking with an old lady like me" (something of that sort). She seemed to want notify everyone around her, of that fact. Then the kid wished to leave, for fear of more an embarrasment. She say this next line twice, once louder than the other, so the whole store can hear. She says to him " You can tell your mother, you were speaking with a girl..... whose old enough to be you grandmother" (read once again, just louder). The kid got really red. LOL's are just something you need to keep children away from.
You have everyright to dissagree with some of my thoughts, I am just throwing them out there (I might argue back).
"just found your blog.
Love the "Midwood is what everyone calls Flatbush" - that irks me as well :)"