Recently our beloved "left moderate" president was asked by a fourth grader "Why does everybody hate you?". A funny question you might ask a president, ain't it? I am wondering how the kid found the courage to ask him altogether. Of course Obama gave him a bogus answer along the lines of "People like me because I was voted in, but they blame the president because its a bad economy not that its his fault". Despite Obamas answer, the nation does seem to hate him, his approval ratings have been moving just like the stock market, down. From last weeks ratings he only has 52% of the country approving of what he's done, that's down from 67 percent on his inauguration day, it never went higher.
It happens to be that I have Obama's book, the biography, I don't know why he has a biography already if he isn't near old age, wouldn't you want to get his life into the book, its a biography, half his life isn't even over. I didn't want to read it from the start it looked boring, maybe he is boring too. His book may have been a bestseller but three anti-Obama books have also made it to the tops, just goes to show what the people really favor.
Recently my friend and I were in a library when we saw a movie about Obama, I asked my friend if he wanted to see it, to which he replied "No way man I don't want to waste my time" and could you believe my friend declined when we saw it was a two disc special! I couldn't believe he turned it down. I can only conclude that people don't care about Obama and they despise his presence in the white house. Besides that, you know how many racists there are out there that just don't like him because hes black? I know a few (I'm still waiting for the 7 pesukim in neviim that have obamas name in it to bring mashiach).
Although Obama does have a point, people did vote for him so some must like him. To this we can say, when people voted for him he was portrayed as a moderate left winger who had ideas about bringing two parties together and finding solutions that were a little lefty, and he said that Israel has a right to defend itself (then he went to the Arabs and said they should have Jerusalem), but that person wasn't voted into office, what made its way into office was a socialist who blamed America for everything and denied Israel its right to building in its own infrastructure, that is not who people voted for. Now you can say that people don't like Obama even though they voted for him, because he wasn't voted in for what he holds but for what we thought he holds.
Here's what should have been answered to the kid in fourth grade "yes you're right, people don't like me, I have done little to nothing to help our economy and my ideas are too socialist for this country. There are people out there that like me from other countries, but they like me only because I trashed America, our country. So the answer to your question boy is they don't like me because I don't fit with this special country, if I was leader for a different country they would love me because thats were I fit, But not here".
The Jewish People
3 days ago
13 people gave their 2 cents:
I feel sorry for him. None of the current problems are his fault and hes got an entire news network riling people up against him with biased coverage and half truths. I think he thought he could fix stuff, but now I bet he wishes he could give the job back. Bush got off easy didnt he?
Frum Punk
Listen if the president feels that a news company is hurting his feelings he should get a therapist not fight back, and fox is very trustworthy, and if they make a mistake they tell you they did.
>Despite Obamas answer, the nation does seem to hate him, his approval ratings have been moving just like the stock market, down. From last weeks ratings he only has 52% of the country approving of what he's done,
Granted, i never took statistics, but it would seem to me that if 52% of people in a nation liked you, it would be wrong to say the nation as a whole hated you.
>but that person wasn't voted into office, what made its way into office was a socialist who blamed America for everything and denied Israel its right to building in its own infrastructure, that is not who people voted for.
Enlighten me. How is he a socialist? Seriously. What socialist thing has he done or said? What socialist policy has he advocated? Can you name a substantive difference between the economic policies he advocated during the campaign, and those he's advocated since assuming office in January that would validate your assertion that he has become a socialist?
Oh, and I'd like something to back up this assertion of yours that he blames America for everything. And I doubt the whole country really cares about the rights of settlers in the West Bank to expand their settlements. (Which is what I assume you meant by not allowing Israel to "b
Vox Populi
If you compare Obama's rating now to 8 years ago with president bush, Bush had an 88% approval rating by this time, Obama went from 67% to 52%. Hey its bush who most disliked were talking about and obama is doing worse as of now.
What socialist things has he done/ said. In his book Dreams for my father, all he does is talk about his socialist views and the soicialist teachers he talked to and the socialist conference he went to, its written all over him his national health care move is complete socialism. and he didnt become a socialist as you said, he always was one.
When Barack went to europe he appeased all the america hating countries abd blamed us for the economic downturn, what do you have to say to that?
One more thing, many people care about what israel does in the west bank, its in the news everyday and made such a big deal out of. Climb out of the little shell youve placed yourself in populi and get to know the real world.
>Bush had an 88% approval rating by this time, Obama went from 67% to 52%. Hey its bush who most disliked were talking about and obama is doing worse as of now.
Were you aware that on the morning of September 11, 2001, two jumbo jet aircraft were piloted by terrorists into the World Trade Center? It was pretty big news at the time. (I may be dating myself here.) Anyway, at the time, President Bush's approval ratings skyrocketed to historic, unprecedented levels. No president, ever since approval polling has been initiated with FDR, has reached such high ratings. Before the 9/11 attacks, Bush's approval ratings were around 55%, which is about where President Obama is now. Again, all this is to reinforce that a 55% approval rating does not mean the country hates you.
>In his book Dreams for my father, all he does is talk about his socialist views and the soicialist teachers he talked to and the socialist conference he went to,
Ah, I should have been more specific. I haven't read the book, but apparently he attended a "socialist conference" and talked to "socialist teachers". I'm going to need specifics if these terms are to have any meaning.
>his national health care move is complete socialism
Really? Complete socialism? Pray tell, what is socialism to you? What is a socialist country? I think we can agree the Soviet Union was a socialist state. Would the adoption of any one of several Democratic health care bills turn us into the Soviet Union? Is every other industrialized democracy in the world also a socialist country? Because they all have national health care plans much more ambitious, and which involve much more government intervention than anything Obama would dare suggest. Are they all socialists everywhere but here?
And how exactly does requiring everyone to purchase health insurance, and making it financially possible to buy health insurance, and altering the incentives of health insurers to stop denying care a "socialist move"?
>One more thing, many people care about what israel does in the west bank, its in the news everyday and made such a big deal out of.
I'm sure many people do. It's a big country. Over 300 million people. But do you think the approval ratings of a president are in any real way dependent on the fact that Obama has called for a freeze in expanding settlements in the West Bank? Maybe among Jews, perhaps some evangelicals - but everyone else?
Granted, it's in the news a lot. But it is much more prominently displayed in the news sources that you and people of your political persuasions rely on, than in everyone else's. For much the same reasons that the only Human Rights Watch reports that you've read (or even heard about, maybe) concern Israel. From this, you could conclude that the only thing HRW cares about is criticizing Israel. Likewise, from only reading the International section of the newspaper, specifically that which concerns Israel, one might come to the conclusion that the only newsworthy thing is what settlers in the West Bank are up to.
Okay fine not bush, take any other president since FDR and his approval ratings were higher than Obamas at this point, he dropped 10points from the second quater alone.
Hmmm... if Im not specific it doesnt count as information eh? why dont you google it if you really wanted specifics, i cant remember names off the top of my head.
Yes it is complete socialism if you are shutting down health insurance companies and have the government take over, its a socialist view and that there is no denying.
if you think israel isnt the center of attention when it comes to human rights issues, well what happened during operation cast lead? Did you know that israel was condemned of defending itself, and did you know at the same time Sri lanka was fighting rebels and they killed woman and children to exterminate the rebels but no one condemned themm instead they criticize israel for dropping leaflets and sending text messages and phone calls warning people they are targeting this building and evacuate because it is storing weapons in it, so yeah they are targeting israel just because its israel, that has made it the center of attention.
>Okay fine not bush, take any other president since FDR and his approval ratings were higher than Obamas at this point, he dropped 10points from the second quater alone.
I'm starting to think you haven't even researched this. Here are the Gallup presidential approval ratings at the end 9 months for every president's first term, or from polling first became available, as close as possible:
-Obama at 10/16/09 - 55% approval
-Bush II at 10/19/01 - 88% approval
-Clinton at 10/28/93 - 44% approval
-Bush I at 10/25/90 - 55% approval
-Reagan at 10/30/81 - 53% approval
-Carter at 10/28/77 - 51% approval
-Ford at 5/30/75 - 51% approval
-Nixon at 10/17/69 - 56% approval
-Johnson at 8/27/65 - 64% approval
-Kennedy at 10/17/61 - 77% approval
-Eisenhower at 10/15/54 - 61% approval
-Truman at 2/28/46 - 49% approval
-Roosevelt at 5/22/38 - 54% approval
Obama's rankings are average or above average for his most recent predecessors, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon. Clearly, as I indicated before, President George W. Bush is a statistical outlier here, because this was a month after September 11. A month before this, his approval rating was a so-so 51%.
All this is very nice, but you're still not addressing the fundamental point here. If 55% of Americans like Obama, then it doesn't matter if 65% of Americans liked Obama last year; or if 65% of Americans liked President Bush at this point in his presidency - it is still statistically impossible to assert that the country as a whole hates him. 55% is more than half. More than half of the country likes him. How, then, can the country hate him?
>Hmmm... if Im not specific it doesnt count as information eh?
Right, because it's just baseless allegations. Just saying that someone is "socialist' because you read in his book that they like "socialism", and doing "socialist things" and talking to "socialist" people attending "socialist" conferences is so vague as to be meaningless.
>Yes it is complete socialism if you are shutting down health insurance companies and have the government take over, its a socialist view and that there is no denying.
Yeah, that might be socialism, if it were happening. Trouble is, I can't find that stuff anywhere in any of the health care bills before Congress (none of which Obama wrote). Which insurance companies are being shut down? What is the government taking over? I can't find it anywhere.
>Did you know that israel was condemned of defending itself, and did you know at the same time Sri lanka was fighting rebels and they killed woman and children to exterminate the rebels but no one condemned themm
Really? No one? That does seem strange. Oh wait, Human Rights Watch, the organization you think only criticizes Israel, released several reports criticizing the abuse in Sri Lanka. Of course, if the only interest you show in HRW is when they criticize Israel, and don't care about abuses anywhere else, then it is only logical that you would be unaware of their work elsewhere.
Vox Populi
You know what, I take back what I said about Obama and having most of the country hate him. For your information I did check it up.
"Just saying that someone is "socialist' because you read in his book..."
Um yeah if it says it in his book I am going to believe what he wrote.
"Yeah that might be socialism if it were happening"
Youre right its not a complete take over but hows about reading this I got
"A huge sticking point between the Republicans and the Democrats is whether to create a public plan - in effect, a government-run insurance plan, which would be competing against private plans in what would be an online marketplace, says the Wall Street Journal.
Though President Obama is saying a government-run plan would keep private insurance companies honest, according to the Journal, Republicans say the government would have too much control over the nation’s health care".
So yeah it wont have complete control now but it will eventually knock out the health insurance companies.
Hey mister voice of the people get a load of this "AS the founder of Human Rights Watch, its active chairman for 20 years and now founding chairman emeritus, I must do something that I never anticipated: I must publicly join the group’s critics. Human Rights Watch had as its original mission to pry open closed societies, advocate basic freedoms and support dissenters. But recently it has been issuing reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state". So what do you say now?
>Um yeah if it says it in his book I am going to believe what he wrote.
Well, that's what we're arguing about isn't it? You're asserting that Obama betrayed his socialist sympathies by committing various socialist activities, as revealed in his autobiography. But we, your audience, don't know what you're talking about. We don't know what acts. We don't know where he says any of this in the book. Okay, I'm not expecting citations from you, this is just a friendly discussion, but you can at least relate some specific things he said or did, instead of this nebulous charge that Obama said he is a socialist.
>"Though President Obama is saying a government-run plan would keep private insurance companies honest, according to the Journal, Republicans say the government would have too much control over the nation’s health care".
>So yeah it wont have complete control now but it will eventually knock out the health insurance companies.
Your deduction doesn't follow. Biased critics of the "President's" agenda assert that a government run plan that would compete with private plans, would have too much control over the nation's health care. Somehow you deduce from this questionable opinion another opinion - that the plan will destroy insurance companies. Maybe the plan will destroy insurance companies - but that's not what your quote suggests. Having too much control over the nation's health care (by the way, for Republicans, how much control is too much? Any at all? In which case, what difference does it make to them, anyway?) is not the same thing as destroying insurance companies.
>But recently it has been issuing reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state". So what do you say now?
I say this: Robert Bernstein was criticizing HRW for their work on the Israeli Palestinian crisis. He said at another juncture recently (after the publication of his op-ed) that he still supports their work everywhere else e.g. Sri Lanka. In other words, he is not accusing HRW of being a hopelessly biased organization that is just looking for ways to criticize Israel, but is criticizing with part of their method. He believes that HRW's focus should be closed societies, undemocratic countries that don't have the social infrastructure to expose human rights violations by the government. He believes that HRW should not focus on Israel and other liberal democracies that do have numerous civil rights organizations and political groups and responsive government officials that do work to expose and correct these abuses. (I disagree with his criticism, but whatever.) In any case, he still supports HRW and its work, as a whole.
Vox Populi
Im not gonna go any further with whether I gave enough information or not as to whether obama really did these action proving he is a socialist. The reason being since I dont have the patience to give you his whole book in summary, or even sum.
Destroy, knockout, these are great terms to use when you want to prove that its almost impossible to happen in this case, but in the end the health insurance companies wont be able to compete with the government one and they will, in an easy term, lose to the government.
No no no Voice of people, it didnt say bernstien doesnt support the HRW it said that he doesnt like that its focusing critisizing Israel, who actually has done nothing wrong for defending itself and yet they still ignore that fact and put out claims that israel has acted inhumane to the arabs, and that is wrong.
>it didnt say bernstien doesnt support the HRW it said that he doesnt like that its focusing critisizing Israel,
So we agree?
>who actually has done nothing wrong for defending itself and yet they still ignore that fact and put out claims that israel has acted inhumane to the arabs, and that is wrong.
I'm not sure that's actually what he believes. He doesn't deny anywhere in the article, for example, that Israel committed human rights abuses. He seems to believe that if Israel did, Israel should deal with it internally.
Vox Populi
Yes we are agreeing on bernstein, but you originally mistook my words.
Youre right that is not what he believes, atleast as far as I know, I put that in condemning the fact that the HRW actually tried blaming israel.
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