Doesn't it seem a bit ridiculous that the famous Jewish company New Square (I guess that's what we will call it for now) decided to rename their milk product My Skware, but not their other products (?). Are there a bunch of tuna beigels running the company that think its kool to misspell words (probably learnt it from texting on their blackberrys)? and thought that kids will drink it if its misspelled (or do they really not know how to spell?) In any case they spelled it kind of weird and there was no reason to call it My Skware when New Square was just fine.
But just when you thought it was all over and the shenanigans were all solved, they decided to rename their milk "Best Square" (and their other products still haven't changed from New Square). I only have more and more questions, why cant they choose a name (for all their products) and stick to it, it really doesn't matter what the name is just keep to one so I can buy milk without going "uhhhhh..... hmmmmm........ ummmm..... Huh? (tilts head)".
If they need a name so badly then I got one for them "Doof Square", it describes them perfectly.
The Jewish People
3 days ago
5 people gave their 2 cents:
Shame on you for not figuring this one out...
It's a common game in their world.
When you rack up enough debt, you change your name... and POOF! no more debt......
Good one!
Yeah youre right, confusing people by changing only one of your products names is going to fool everyone, Im ashamed i didnt think of that. (if you find this comment offensive dont, I really dont have anything else to write back to you).
The parent company has changed its official business name several times over the past few years.
It's all part of the same package...
Yeah, the local stores do the same thing. Though the name on the store remains the same, if you look at your credit card statement, you'll see the name changing ever couple years.
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